Software Enrollment Options

Put your tax office on cruise control! Effortlessly manage your ads, social media, call flow, and reputation—all in one convenient location for less than the cost of a tank of gas. Our intuitive tax preparation software and dedicated support are designed to help you scale your office with ease. Get started today!

Choose From TaxSlayer & OLT Pro

Contact Us for Drake & TaxWise

----- TaxSlayer Pro Offers -----



TaxSlayer Pro Solutions


1 Office Location TSP

3 Users

Branded Mobile App

EFIN Required

Software Tech Support

Due Diligence Training & Forms

Low Fee Bank Products

$0 Prep Fee Commission (Keep 100% of your fees)

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Single Office Solutions


Freshman Partner +

Revenue Marketing CRM*

5 Users

Tax Theory Support

Tax Theory Training

Online Community

Co-Working Space**

Marketing Materials & Growth......Training

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



ERO Plus Solutions


Junior Partner +

2 Locations

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Tax Business Launch

Tax Pro SOPs

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Service Bureau Package


Sophomore Partner +

Unlimited Locations

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Dedicated VA 10 Hours/Month

Mentorship Program

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.

----- OLT Pro Offers -----



OLT Pro Solutions


1 Office Location

3 Users

Branded Mobile App

EFIN Required

Software Tech Support

Due Diligence Training & Forms

Low Fee Bank Products

$0 Prep Fee Commission (Keep 100% of your fees)

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Single Office Solutions


Freshman Partner +

Revenue Marketing CRM*

5 Users

Tax Theory Support

Tax Theory Training

Online Community

Co-Working Space**

Marketing Materials & Growth......Training

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



ERO Plus Solutions


Junior Partner +

2 Locations

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Tax Business Launch


Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Service Bureau Package


Sophomore Partner +

Multiple Locations

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Dedicated VA 10 Hours/Month

Mentorship Program

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.

----- Tax Wise Offers -----



OLT Pro Solutions


1 Office Location TSP

3 Users

Branded Mobile App

EFIN Required

Software Tech Support

Due Diligence Training & Forms

$0 Prep Fee Commission (Keep 100% of your fees)

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Single Office Solutions


Freshman Partner +

Revenue Marketing CRM*

3 Users

Tax Theory Support

Tax Theory Training

Online Community

Marketing Materials & Growth......Training

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



ERO Plus Solutions


Junior Partner +

Multiple Locations

3 Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Tax Business Launch

Taxwise Pro SOPs

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.



Service Bureau Package


Sophomore Partner +

Unlimited Locations

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Returns

Admin Staff Training

Dedicated VA 10 Hours/Month

Check out what we offer with The Tax Revenue Prep Software.
Click here
to book a 1:1 Live demo.

Pricing for TRMCRM: The Tax Revenue Manager.

Software pricing is subject to terms and conditions and auto-renews each year. Ask about our lifetime software plan! Please contact our client relations team with any questions that you may have.

CRM includes automations, sales & lead nurturing emails, text, Tax Pro or Service Bureau Workflows with onboarding instruction emails and text. Surveys and forms as well as landing page templates.

TRM CRM Tax Revenue Manager Lite has a monthly service fee of $97.00. Tax Revenue Manager Pro is $297 monthly.

Please contact us for a quote on a full buildout

ERO and Service Bureaus packages are available with reflective pricing. Please click here for more details.


TMB: Pioneering the Digital Landscape with Ingenious and Reliable Software Solutions. Enhance operational efficiency, optimize user engagement, and manage digital transformation effortlessly.

Address ---- --

2100 N Eastern Avenue

Moore, Oklahoma, United States, 73160

© Copyright 2024. TMB TAX BUREAU. All rights reserved.